"Instead of getting hard ourselves and trying to compete, women should try to give their est qualities to men - bring them softness, teach them how to cry." -Joan Baez
After I read through the whole quote, I found that this quote is very meaningful. "Instead of getting hard ourselves and trying to compete" - "trying" and "compete" are man's qualities. The role of man in the 21st century are earning money for the family, opening up a business...therefore men have to always try and compete with others for themselves and for families. And nowadays, feminists are trying to play the role of man - the women also work.
-Louie Cheng
I think nearly every men are full of arrogance, pride, self-centred. They simply have no idea of sympathy. Luckily almighty God has created women, a kind of animal which is weak in physical but tough in emotion.
-Lilian Choi
The reason why I chose this quote is because in the old traditions, men should not cry easily or drop tears in front of the public easily. They were told not to show their emotions and feelings that 'obviously' and to hide their facial expressions deep down in their hearts. Women nowadays should not just focus on their work and striving their best for achievements, instead, they should not just teach men to feel everything by heart, not only to show how strong and tough they are.
-Karen Li
"If you want somthing said, ask a man; if you want something done, ask a woman." - Margaret Thatcher
I think women are more responsible, reliable, and hard-working than men. They just dont speak, but will do it by heart. I do not mean that men are not responsible nor reliable at all, but God have put most of these abilities in women. Women rock the world.
-Suzanne Shing
I really like this quote because whenever people want something to do done, they will always ask the woman to do because women usually do not dare to say no to things. Women usually do hard things, easy stuff like speaking to the boss, or speaking to the public will be the job for the men. Men think that things like these should be done by them because they have high places, in order to get people's respect, they cannot do things that are lower class to them, like doing things.
-Phoebe Ngai
"God gave women intuition and feminity. Used properly, the combination easily jumbles the brain of any man I've ever met" - Farrah Fawcett
In history, female were often made to do domestic work and made to stay at home. To people in the past, women with knowledge are evil, they would not be accepted and welcome by most of the society. But the truth is, women are not stupid! Scientists have proved that women are better in the literature and art area, compared to men.
-Charlotte Cheng
When I first read this verse, I immediately related it to what was said in Genesis ch 2, verse 18 "The Lord God said, "It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make him a helper suitable for him." As a result, the Lord God created a woman, Eve.
Women were given the qualities of gentleness, kindness, goodness, the sense of intuition, the willingness, the compassion and the mind of thinking for others.
- Cherry Wong
"Women who seek to be equal with men lack ambition" - Timothy Leary
Among the 18 quotes, I love this one the best. I think female nowadays have more factors that can be successful than men. In general, women are more hard-working then men.
- Carol
"Women are the real architects of society" - Harriet Beecher Stowe
Women play a crucial part in the society although not much people notice it. It is women who give birth to babies, in another words, creating the whole society. All children's behaviour as well as their characters are also directly affected by their mothers. All children's personalities are molded by their mothers. As a result, women are the real architects of society.
-Joanne Poon